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Infant & Early Years

0–3 Years Old


Infant Care

Infancy is a time of physical development and sensory awakening, as infants interact for the first time with the world around them. At this stage, infants require environments and stimuli that facilitate their independence and build their sense of trust and safety.

Building Strong Foundations
Materials, programmes and the environment are prepared to facilitate infants’ learning experiences so that they develop their cognitive, affective and physical capacities. This strengthens their foundations for future growth and builds a positive disposition towards learning. Infants also build healthy relationships with our educarers, which gives them a safe and nurturing environment in which to explore and develop at their own pace.

Sensory-based Learning
Infants are provided with planned sensory play experiences that engage their senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, movement and balance. Exposure to varied sensory experiences stimulates infants’ cognitive and motor development and increases infants’ capacity for scientific thinking and experimentation.

2 – 4 YEARS

Early Years

At New Life Preschool, the C.H.I.L.D Principles guide our approach for children in their early years (under 4 years old). This framework, based on the EYDF (Early Years Development Framework), ensures that caregiving and routines provide opportunities for learning and development.

Nurturing Environment

We create a safe and loving atmosphere where children’s needs, interests, and preferences are met through both planned and spontaneous activities. Consistency in care and smooth transitions are emphasized to promote children’s positive well-being.

Holistic Development

Our goal is to provide time and space for children to play and explore freely. This fosters positive learning dispositions while encouraging the development of values and essential executive functioning skills.

Play-Based Learning

Children in our early years program learn through exploration and play in a safe, enriching environment. We offer a continuum of play experiences, whether teacher-led or child-directed, to support developmental milestones.

The 3Rs

Respectful, responsive, and reciprocal interactions are at the core of every interaction, as these are critical for children’s behavior, communication, and social-emotional development. Our educators build secure attachments with children through these practices, helping them grow and thrive.

What would your child be learning?

Wonder Stories


Fit Bods Jr.

Learner Lab

Chinese Immersion Programme (Early Years)


Wonder Stories
Utilizes beloved children’s stories to introduce literacy, creative expression, and early numeracy concepts in a playful and interactive manner.

A language-rich environment that fosters early vocabulary and communication skills through interactive songs and games.

Fit Bods Jr.
A physical development program that enhances gross motor skills through age-appropriate exercises and activities.

Learner Lab
Encourages independent exploration and problem-solving, providing hands-on activities that foster creativity and critical thinking.

Chinese Immersion Programme (Early Years)
Introduces Chinese through songs, stories, and interactive activities, ensuring children naturally acquire basic language skills in a fun, immersive environment.

Your child will also develop the following capacities through our Infant & Early Years Programme:


Listening, speaking and socio-emotional skills through conversational interactions


Numeracy, mathematical vocabulary, reason and logic through hands-on activities and facilitated conversations


Chinese vocabulary and cultural appreciation through skillful storytelling


Physical development and gross motor skills through outdoor play


Creativity of thought and expression through arts and crafts activities

Programme Overview

Developmental assessments to measure learning and progress

Continuous professional development for teachers and leaders


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